Board Policies and Forms
Board Policies
- S1 Student Code of Conduct - 7.25.24.pdf
- S2 Student Discipline Appeals.pdf
- S3 - Bullying Policy.pdf
- S4-Searches and Seizures.pdf
- S5-Reporting Child Abuse - 1_23_25.pdf
- S6-Student Sexual Harassment.pdf
- S7-Anti-Discrimination Policy.pdf
- Procedure - Title IX Grievance.pdf
- S8-Education of Students with a Disability.pdf
- S9-Acceptable Use of Technology.pdf
- S11-Admission and Enrollment Policy.pdf
- S12- Student Substance Use.pdf
- S13-Infectious Disease.pdf
- S14-Student Health Services.pdf
- S15-Homeless Students.pdf
- S16-Transportation Policy.pdf
- S17-Child Abuse.pdf
- S18-Privacy Policy.pdf
- S19-Immunizations.pdf
- S20-Student Wellness and Safety.pdf
- S21-Seclusion and Restraint.pdf
- S22-Mediciation.pdf
- S23-Weapons.pdf
- S24 school closures.pdf
- S25-Communicable Diseases.pdf
- S26-Diabetes Management Policy.pdf
- S27- ESOL Assessment and Instruction.pdf
- S28-Student Reports of Sexual Abuse Policy.pdf
- S29-Parent and Student Complaints and Grievance Policy.pdf
- S30 - Suicide Prevention Policy .pdf
- S31-Concussion Management Policy.pdf
- S32-Field Trip Policy.pdf
- S33-Sexual Education Policy.pdf
- S34-Attendance Policy 7_25_24.pdf
- S35 - Seizure Policy.pdf
- S36 - Home Study Students and Sports.pdf
- Human Resources Manual Amended 7_25_2024 (1).pdf
- P1 - Nepotism Policy.pdf
- P2 - Anti-Discrimination Policy.pdf
- P3 - Sexual Harassment Policy.pdf
- P5- Complaints and Grievances Policy.pdf
- P6 - Professional Learning Policy.pdf
- P7 - Conflicts of Interest Policy.pdf
- P8 - Infectious Disease Policy.pdf
- P9 - Criminal background check.pdf
- P10 - Drug Screening of Employees Policy.pdf
- P11 -Recruitment Policy.pdf
- P12- Employee Attendance Policy.pdf
- P13-Professional Qualifications Policy.pdf
- TitleIXpresentation.pdf
- Applicant Notification Policy.pdf
- Disciplinary Policy.pdf
- Man-Made/Natural Disaster Policy.pdf
- Media Protection Policy.pdf
- O1- Parent Involvement.pdf
- O2-Visitor Policy.pdf
- O3-Building Maintenance .pdf
- O4-School Nurse Policy.pdf
- O5 - Divisive Concepts Policy.pdf
- O6 - Parents Bill of Rights Policy.pdf